Friday, 30 May 2008

So long, farewell....

There's a sad sort of clanging
from the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple too
And up in the nursery an absurd little bird
Is popping out to say "cuckoo"

Regretfully they tell us
But firmly they compel us
To say goodbye . . .
. . to you.

(raises hand in final salutation before scratching backside through chafing lederhosen)

Dear friends,

I've been feeling for some time that I need a wee break from blogging to re-think why I am doing it.

Who am I writing for?

If it's me, then I think the blog is not best serving my needs.
If it's others, then there are precious few listening and I might be better to lose my anonymity and open up to wider circulation within my church and parish.

Whatever; I think I hoped for more community out of this, and perhaps these feelings are God's way of saying I need to seek that out elsewhere. That is very much a part of the Slow Work I need to be about.

Despite that, Liz, Anna, Carla and Paul, I really appreciate having read you (and will continue to do so), and wish you God's blessing in life. Thanks for calling by and sharing part of the journey with me. You have been funny, wise and supportive companions.

Don't think of this as goodbye;
more of "adieu, adiueu, to you and you and you".




Unknown said...

That's particularly sad for me because I have, in some strange way, come to need your insights. Your wisdom and refreshing honesty has lifted me when my spirits were at their lowest, and I'm very sorry to see that end.

If you ever want to talk, email me at afruen at gmail dot com, because I'll miss you!

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

Thanks Anna - that's kind, and I'm glad my ramblings have helped you on your journey in some way.

Talking to you has helped me keep in touch with what people half my age are up to in today's world (!) and it's been great to get to know you (and even the boy by proxy) over the past year or so. Like I've said before, you have a maturity beyond your years. And you make me laugh too. I wish you every blessing for the years ahead and the change of Uni.

I won't be far away - will continue to read your blog and post there - and hopefully, if my blog ever re-surfaces, the 'wisdom' will come from a more grounded self.

That's the work I need to be about just now, I think, and the scattiness of life in blogland just panders to my innate gift of being disorganised. I really am an old fart. Can't cope with being fragmented!

Take care


Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

Thanks Anna - that's kind, and I'm glad my ramblings have helped you on your journey in some way.

Talking to you has helped me keep in touch with what people half my age are up to in today's world (!) and it's been great to get to know you (and even the boy by proxy) over the past year or so. Like I've said before, you have a maturity beyond your years. And you make me laugh too. I wish you every blessing for the years ahead and the change of Uni.

I won't be far away - will continue to read your blog and post there - and hopefully, if my blog ever re-surfaces, the 'wisdom' will come from a more grounded self.

That's the work I need to be about just now, I think, and the scattiness of life in blogland just panders to my innate gift of being disorganised. I really am an old fart. Can't cope with being fragmented!

Take care


liz crumlish said...

Having just come through some real uncertainty which I hope is now clearing, i can appreciate you wanting to take some time and shed some stuff just to get a better sense of where you and God are in all of this. I still feel the need to process things by blogging but we all find different ways. Maybe we'll meet up one of these days at some church thing or other. Wishing you lots of blessings and hoping you won't be gone too long - you have a lovely way of sharing the deep things of life.

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

Thanks Liz -

Glad that you're emerging from that hard place you've been in and have new horizons ahead of you.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Your consistency and depth is admirable!

I'll certainly keep tabs on you and I'm sure we'll meet at some point in this small pond.

As for my blog, I can only quote the future President of America:

(assuming a thick Austrian accent)

"I'll be back".

Carla said...

Thanks for reading my words and for your frequent responses- it's been enjoyable having connected across the ocean. I wish you well on your continued journey. I can understand how easy it is to spread yourself too thin with all the ways of communicating in our world. I hope your intentional decision will reap great rewards for you, FBL. :) Take care, Carla

Unknown said...

Thinking of you, FBL. Hope you're well x x