Friday, 18 April 2008

Study Leave - Part 3

This is how I feel today.

I am like a man buying a second-hand car. Walking around it; kicking the tyres; checking the mileage; looking for spots of rust or bumps and scratches that only reveal themselves on closer inspection.

The theology Keith Ward puts forward is pretty shiny, and I like the look of it, but I'm not sold on it just yet. I need to get under the hood and check out the workings in a bit more detail before I'm ready to put my money on the table.

Am feeling a bit tired by all of this, and a bit displaced by being out of routine. Mind you, I always feel a bit on edge when I enter a salesroom and have tough choices to make.....


Unknown said...

Such a shame to see it as being sold something, but we're forced into that mentality by the world we live in.

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

I shouldn't push that metaphor too much. It's not so much the sale as the examining that's on my mind.

Am away for the next week to Ireland - hopefully will return imbued with the calm wisdom of the Celtic Saints.



Carla said...


Just wanted to make sure- I accidentally deleted your blog from my blog links on my site. Just realized my mistake and fixed it! Didn't want you to think that I had axed you or something!!
