Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Peched Oot

Those of you who are clergy (or obliged to live with them) will understand the pressures of this week with so many extra services to prepare for, and the need to keep things fresh for people because these stories are so familiar. It's hard hard work - hence no new posts for a while.

But I had to tell you of a couple of funnies which, though rather irreverent, made us laugh this week.

Rosie came through late last night to ask how things were going with the Good Friday service, to which I replied "Good. I think I've nailed it". Whoops.

Then today, Pudge toddled through into the study where we have a five-foot cross waiting to be taken over to the church. Rosie followed her in and noticed Pudge straining and red faced as she stood and looked up at the cross. She pointed this out to me and before I could stop myself I said "Yes - that's her leaving her heavy load at the foot of the cross".....

Sorry Lord. I'm sure you understand.

1 comment:

liz crumlish said...

Manse kids - always guaranteed to keep our feet on the ground and stop us taking ourselves too seriously. Thank God for them!