Tuesday, 4 March 2008

My Lovely Poem

No hits on that last post.

It really shouldn't bother me, but it does.

I feel like Ted and Dougal at the Eurovision Song Contest.

Nil Points from the jury from Blogland!


Unknown said...

I didn't know what to say... I liked it, but I never feel qualified to talk about important things!

So, consider this my comment for your beautiful poem: you're human, then :)

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

You're too kind!

Nice to know folk are still reading - it's been a busy spell and there's not much time for creativity.

The Lovechildren are enjoying Spin the Black Circle, by the way. Level 20 is fiendishly impossible.



liz crumlish said...

Hey, fbl. Your poem really hit the spot. I often find laughter bubbling up at inappropriate times. Sorry I didn't say that sooner - bit preoccupied with the sh*t of ministry just now. I keep checking out your blog though to find inspiration. I love your creativity.

Frederick Buechner's Lovechild said...

Thanks Liz,

Appreciate your appreciation more than you realise - it's been a busy and lonely few weeks.

Would like to know more about your situation, but am guessing blogging isn't the way forward there?
