Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Minister in Useful Fraternal Meeting Shock

We had our fraternal today and though numbers were small, I think we're beginning to get somewhere. In my experience elsewhere, these meetings can either be stiff and guarded or gossipy and banal, both of which say something about the lack of trust that exists between so-called colleagues.

Things are improving though. We were talking about prayer this morning and sharing how we approach leading public prayer, and it was genuinely good to learn from the others' experience. Our local Episcopal priest put on some music and prayed a prayer that a lay person had written in his congregation, and it was unusally moving in its insight, simplicity and honesty.

It reminded me that what matters, both in preaching and leading prayers in public, is that we don't worry about fine words, but that we make a visceral connection with people. You don't need a theological education for that. You just need to be walking closely with God.

I found similar words by Anselm Grun in his book "Through the Year with Jesus"

"Jesus didn't talk about God like many of the scribes, who used the right words but didn't speak from their own experience. Because Jesus had experienced God, he spoke of God in such a way that people instinctively sensed "Yes, God's like that. That's the truth. This God is important to me. I can't evade this God. He fulfils my heart's desires".

A good thought to start another year of preaching and praying with.

Blessings to all of you called to this work and privilege.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear your meeting went well! that sort of group, once you've become comfortable with one another, can be an incredible spiritual support.